How to Draw a Dog – Step by Step

Step 1 – Define the Shapes of the Dog
Begin by drawing two simple shapes. One shape should be a small circle, which will become the head of the dog. The second shape is a teardrop shape turned on its side and will become the body of the dog. It’s important to pay attention to difference in size between these two shapes. Notice how much larger the shape of the body is compared with the shape of the head.
Step 2 – Add Shapes for the Ears and Upper Portions of the Legs
Next, we’ll add additional shapes to the drawing for the large ears and the upper portions of the legs. A couple of organic shapes are drawn for the upper portions of the legs. Notice how these shapes overlap each other and also the body of the dog. Longer shapes are drawn for the front legs and shapes for the ears are added coming off of the circle drawn for the head.
Step 3 – Draw the Legs and Neck
Shapes are drawn for the middle sections of the legs of the dog. Notice how one of the hind legs extends fairly far away from the body. A line is drawn for the tail that curves back underneath the body. A shape is drawn for the neck, connecting the head to the body. A line is also drawn here for the snout of the dog. This line starts near the middle of the head, dips down, and then curls back near the bottom of the circle.
Step 4 – Finish the Legs and Begin Drawing Details
The bottom portions of the legs are drawn in this step. These simple shapes will represent the paws. Notice how they bend forward and are slightly curved at the bottom. A small line is added to connect the neck with lower portion of the front side of the body. This adds a bit of variety and makes the chest appear as though it protrudes slightly. Shapes are also drawn for the eyes of the dog. These shapes are very close to the center of the circle. Just be sure to leave enough space between them.
Step 5 – Add Details, Add the Fur, and Finish the Drawing of a Dog
Now that the basic form of the dog has been established, details can be added. Lines are drawn to mimic the fur of the dog. These lines are more concentrated in areas were the tone is darker. To make the fur appear more realistic, it’s helpful to draw the lines in the direction that the fur grows. In this case, this means changing the direction of the line in different places. For example, on the back and sides of the body, the lines are more horizontal. We can compare this with the chest of the dog, where the lines are more vertical.
The eyes and the snout are darkened. Concentrations of lines indicate areas of shadow on the dog’s body and underneath on the ground below. A few simple strokes are pulled upward, so that it appears as if the dog is standing in grass. The drawing can be finished using ink or more deliberate marks with a dark medium. Any stray lines can be erased after the ink has dried.
Here are the steps we took to draw a dog in one image…
This helps me a lot thank you