How to Draw a Strawberry – Step by Step

For this reason, you may want to draw lightly with the pencil since the remaining pencil lines will be erased after the ink has dried.
Now, let’s get to it.
Step 1 – Draw a Basic Shape for the Right Side of the Strawberry
Our strawberry is positioned at a slight angle with its tip coming towards the viewer. For this reason, we’ll break down the overall shape of the strawberry into two main sections. We’ll first draw the right side of the subject with a curved shape that tapers on the left.
Step 2 – Draw the Second Half of the Strawberry
Now we’ll add the second half of the strawberry. To do so, we’ll simply draw a curved line above the shape we drew in the last step.
Step 3 – Draw a Few Leaves
We now have the basic shape of the strawberry in place. Next, we’ll add a few leaves extending off the top of the main portion of the subject. A few simple shapes will do. We’ll allow some of these shapes to overlap so that they appear a bit more natural. There’s also a smaller leaf that can be seen on the lower, right section of the strawberry.
Step 4 – Add the Seeds
Strawberries have a ton of seeds, so we’ll need to include them. You’ll notice that each seed is a small “teardrop” shape. Each tip of the teardrop points towards the front of the strawberry.
For the middle section of the strawberry, the shape of each seed is full. But on the top edges and near the bottom, the shapes become flattened. This is because the strawberry curves in space. Be sure that this is reflected in your drawing.
Step 5 – Add Small Cavities for Each Strawberry Seed
Each one of the seeds is found within a small cavity or indentation. To create the illusion of this in our drawing, we’ll add a small half circle around most of the seeds. Don’t over do it. A short, skinny line will do the trick with a little space between the line and the seed.
Step 6 – Add Some Shading
The bulk of our drawing is in place. Next, we’ll enhance it by adding minimal shading. A bit of hatching is used on the leaves to darken them and add a sense of shadow. Notice that these lines curve around the form of each leaf. They should flow naturally around the form. By concentrating the lines, we can create darker tones and strengthen the shadow. Since the shadow is darker on the leaves closer to the strawberry, we’ll add more lines here.
We’ll also add a bit of cast shadow under the strawberry. Here again, we’ll concentrate the marks where the shadow is at its darkest – directly under the main body of the strawberry. We’ll allow for more space between the lines on either side of the cast shadow, creating a slighter lighter value and less intense shadow.
Step 7 – Finish the Drawing of a Strawberry with Ink
Now we’ll make the drawing a little more finished by adding ink over the pencil sketch. You can use drawing pens or a brush. Vary your line thickness so your drawing is a bit more interesting.
Around the outer contour of the body of the strawberry, use a slightly wavy line. This will make the surface appear textured and full of seeds. Once the ink has dried, erase any remaining pencil marks.
Now our drawing of a strawberry is complete.