Many people think that drawing a person is difficult. Thankfully, these people are mistaken. If you can recognize the basic shapes that make up a person and know which steps to take, drawing a person is actually very manageable. We’ll simply start with a line and go from there. Anyone can draw a line, right?
Let’s take a look at how to draw an old man. We’ll break the drawing process down into simple steps.
Step 1 – Draw a line that extends down the length of the figure. Our figure has a slightly curved back, so the line will curve slightly. The line will come back up at a slight diagonal, then bend downward and out.
Step 2 – Use the figure guideline to create a stick figure of the old man. Draw lines for the bone structure and shapes for the joints and feet. A line should also be drawn for the back of the figure and since our subject is seated, we’ll add the beginnings of the chair.
Step 3 – Now, we’ll simply use the stick figure as a guide to thicken up the figure. We’ll draw both the arms and the legs and indicate a shape for the hair. We’ll decide on the locations of the facial features by drawing a few lines and add a bit more to the chair.
Step 4 – Now our drawing is really starting to come together. In this step, we’ll add more to the hair and add the facial features. We’ll also add a coat and a few lines for wrinkles in the clothing.
Step 5 – Now we can use the information to finish the drawing. You may choose to cover your pencil lines with ink to finish off the sketch.