How to Draw Animals – Step by Step
Below you’ll find a collection of step by step tutorials on drawing animals. Each tutorial is designed to help you learn how to draw animals through a series of “sketchbook challenges”. Each tutorial breaks the process down into easy to follow steps. Drawing is about finding and understanding the basic shapes that make up objects – then constructing those shapes to make complex imagery. This collection of “sketchbook challenges” simplifies the process and helps the artist see and recognize shapes so that over time they can draw anything.

How to Draw a Hummingbird – Step by Step
In this drawing lesson, we'll take a look at how to draw a hummingbird. The hummingbird we'll draw is in flight and viewed from the side. Since we're drawing the hummingbird from the side, we'll only see one wing. This may look complex, but we'll use basic shapes to...
How to Draw a Rhinoceros
In this step by step drawing tutorial, we'll take a look at how to draw a rhinoceros. I recently read a manuscript that I wrote when I was in the second grade entitled, "What Animal I would Like To Be". For some reason, my response was a rhinoceros. Maybe I thought at...
How to Draw a Sloth
In this drawing tutorial, we'll take a look at how to draw a sloth. Sloths are perhaps one of the most interesting animals on the planet and are known for how terribly slow they are, but this doesn't mean that we must be slow about how we draw one. Instead, we'll...
How To Draw a Seahorse
In this step by step tutorial, we'll take a look at how to draw a seahorse. Just like drawing any other sea creature - or any creature for that matter - we'll break the subject down into "easy to draw" shapes. Once we have the basic shapes in place, we'll add the...
How to Draw a Dragon
Okay, so a dragon is technically not an animal even though its listed with the animal drawing tutorials. But it is quite "animal-like" even if it really never existed in the first place. Of course, dragons come in all different shapes and sizes, and you're only...
How to Draw an Alligator
You never want to get too close to an alligator. So, I would not recommend drawing one from observation. Instead, you can draw your alligator by layering simple shapes. Each step of the drawing, we'll add a few more shapes until the drawing of the alligator is...
How to Draw a Polar Bear
In this tutorial, we'll take a look at how to draw a polar bear. Using simple shapes, we'll build up the drawing step by step, adding the details to the drawing in the latter stages. Polar bears are elusive, beautiful animals. Fortunately, drawing one is a pretty...
How to Draw a Mouse
In this tutorial, we'll take a look at drawing a realistic mouse. This one will be fairly simple considering that the shape of the mouse isn't very complex. We'll draw loosely in the beginning stages and progressively become more deliberate with our marks as we...
How to Draw a Realistic Owl
In this drawing tutorial, we'll take a look at how to draw a realistic owl. There are a lot of details in this drawing, but we'll add them all towards the end of the drawing process. It's easy to get caught up in the details and feel like you need to draw them in...
How to Draw a Penguin
In this drawing challenge, we'll take a look at drawing a penguin, step by step. In case you missed the previous 45 drawing challenges, you can check them out here. In this tutorial, we'll break the shape of the penguin down into simple shapes. We'll draw layered...
How to Draw a Monkey
In this drawing challenge, we'll take a look at drawing a monkey, step by step. This tutorial is fairly easy, since we'll be breaking the steps down into simple shapes. By layering the shapes, we can build up the overall form of the monkey gradually. Then, the...
How to Draw a Ladybug
In this drawing challenge, we'll draw a ladybug. Ladybugs are some of the most beautiful insects on the planet. Their shiny backs and brightly colored exoskeletons make them unique and interesting. It seems that most people are content to let ladybugs just live...
How to Draw a Lion
In this drawing challenge, we'll take a look at how to draw a lion. In this example, we'll draw the lion from the side view with his head pointing forward. As with the other tutorials, we'll take a step by step approach and break the drawing into easy shapes. Each...
How to Draw a Cobra – Step by Step
In this drawing lesson, we'll draw one of the most vicious snakes around - the cobra. It might seem that drawing a snake like this is pretty easy, but it's a bit more complex than it looks. No worries though, we'll take a step by step approach to make the drawing...
How to Draw a Squid
In this sketchbook challenge, we'll take a look at how to draw a squid. Squids are some of nature's most misunderstood animals and make for great drawing practice. Here again, simple shapes will get the job done. So let's get that pencil drawing and let's get ready...
How to Draw a Horse
In this challenge, we'll take a look at drawing a horse. The drawing process will be made simpler by breaking the subject down into easy to draw shapes. We can piece these shapes together to construct a more complex drawing. A horse will be made up of mostly...
How to Draw a Panda
In this step by step drawing tutorial, we'll take a look at drawing a Panda step by step. Just like with the other sketchbook challenges, we'll look at the basic shapes that exist within the more complex shape of the animal. Drawing loosely at the start of the...
How to Draw a Gorilla
In this step by step drawing tutorial, we'll look at how to draw a gorilla. Like with the previous challenges, we'll approach this drawing using simple shapes that are easy to draw. This drawing process can be applied to any subject. Look for simple shapes in what...
How to Draw a Bird
In this step by step drawing tutorial, we'll draw a bird. Here again, we'll take a step by step approach to this drawing. We'll focus on finding "easy to draw" basic shapes that can be pieced together to make up the form of the bird. We'll draw loosely in the...
How to Draw a Giraffe
We'll stick with drawing animals in this sketchbook challenge and take a look at how to draw a giraffe. This long necked critter has a few awkward angles, but by putting basic and easy to draw shapes together, this challenge should be breeze. In fact, anything at...
How to Draw a Dolphin
In this drawing lesson, we'll "dive" into how to draw a dolphin. This will be a relatively simple drawing to accomplish since a dolphin is made up of very simple shapes. We'll concentrate on the simple shapes that make up the dolphin and piece them together to make...
How to Draw a Cow
In this tutorial, we'll take a look at drawing a cow. The shapes that go into drawing a cow are pretty simple, so this challenge should be fairly "light". Here again, the key is simply to find the basic shapes and draw them. This tutorial demonstrates one way to...
How to Draw a Tiger
In this drawing challenge, we'll take a look at how to draw a tiger. Here again, the drawing process will be broken down into easy to follow steps. In each step of the drawing, we'll analyze the form of the tiger and look for shapes. By layering these shapes, we can...
How to Draw a Bunny
In the last post, we took at drawing a rather scary looking animal - a bat. In this post, we'll look at drawing a cute and furry mammal - a bunny. The steps to how to draw a bunny are very similar to drawing anything else. It's all about finding the simple shapes....